Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

Friday, December 02, 2005

I Wanna Talk About Me

When don't I, right?

Some random musings I've had over the course of a day and a half:

Approximately 60% (unofficial - not a statistic) of the homes in Bath decorate the outside of their houses for holidays. Apparently there is a great deal of civic pride in the fact. I'd better get some kind of Christmas flag or yard thingy pronto.

There are still women in this country who actually think any husband is better than no husband at all. If he has a job, a running car and doesn't beat you...what other standards?

Speaking of husbands...knowing who I am and how much of who I am is defined by this incredible musical talent and great gift of performing I've been blessed with (let's face it, it's not egotistical if you really are that good), who in their right mind would sit within arm's thwacking distance of me and proclaim, "I thank my lucky stars every day that I was never forced to learn an instrument or waste my time in a music class"?

If the yard gets just a few inches more of rain this week, I can have my own practice rink. Very Maine.

I went to my first Sweet Adeline's rehearsal last night. My husband, with his first big night home alone with the baby (and no mother living next door to bail him out), had absolutely no rough spots or episodes at all. Which is what we want, right? So why was I a little disappointed when the baby never cried for me at all? A whimper would've been nice.

For Christmas I want a bumper sticker that says: Oh, I'm sorry, are my law-abiding, safety conscious ways inconveniencing you?

I probably should put up some Christmas decorations. But when??????


Blogger Sam said...

I like your musings, Paula. As to Christmas stuff, we might have a tree but sheesh, it might be a little "Charlie Brown" tree with just a few ornaments. I've already said I was going to get us a new mattress for Christmas - I mean, how can you hide one of those big honking things? Twenty years of ... and there ain't a spring left unsprung. Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to bring up the old "Block Island Shuffle" again. My bad.

But the house outside is starting to look like a Las Vegas house of ill repute. I always thought that was a manly thing but I was surprised, the best yard light artists are actually girls - I mean ladies. They were having a little trouble next door with the lights not staying where they wanted 'em so I suggested garbage ties.

Man they were like exstatic. "Why, I've got a bazillion of those, thanks dude!"

12/02/2005 3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Garbage ties....of course!...

12/02/2005 8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For hints on Christmas decorating you might want to log on to

for a detailed plan for holiday decorating and the aftermath.

Here's to living
Martha s

12/02/2005 10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would Martha (and, honestly, who would know about the aftermath better than you), but I think you may need to retype the url for those of us who need glasses but ain't got 'em. I tried the link but it said that page didn't exist at souther angel. Or it could be that they moved on while you was in da big house...

12/02/2005 10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Warbler, dear.
Try copying and pasting the URL into your web page address bar. I've doublechecked it and it seems to work, although I'm using an apple computer ( of course).
Living for the holidays,

12/02/2005 10:41 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

That was hilarious, Martha! I didn't think Vienna sausages needed a recipe, though.

But Paula want to talk about Paula and sheesh, since it's her blog, and rightly so, why the heck not?

So, what do Mainers do during the winter? Hah, I bet you were tired of that question on Block Island, but there ought to be more things to play with ... besides cans of Vienna sausage. Mm, Spam, gotta go!


12/03/2005 1:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam, dear.
The Warbler should certainly write about the Warbler... or for that fact..warble about the Warbler- but I digress.
Her post closed with a question and I thought it only polite to offer a humble suggestion in response to her query.
The holidays make their own unique set of demands and etiquette seemed to require a helpful response.

living for the holidays.

12/03/2005 1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm missing some letters from the end of the url so apparently everybody can paste except I. Don't ask me why, what the hell do I know? I'm too busy trying to learn to make truffles. And I'm sure anything to do with hot dog weinies is just up my mid-western, jello-mold ownin' heart.

BTW, it's official. Everything IS about me, so say whatever you like. Within sporting reason. Don't worry, if you don't assauge my ego enough, I'll bring the conversation right around.

Like now:

I haven't heard anybody singing my praises for a while. Pony up and make it good! [Prizes will be awarded for the most eloquent and the most kiss-assed]

12/03/2005 1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw, just for fun: it seems like everybody in Maine has personalized plates. Of course, I want them, too. I checked and "warbler" is still unclaimed...since my husband has to register the car, I think he should get me those plates, don't you?

12/03/2005 1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would make the loveliest Christmas present ever! Certainly a bold romantic and gallant gesture.
Not only that- imagine how it would lift the minds and hopes of all those mainers who in the bleak mid-winter would see your plates and smile. For in their imagine would come lovely notions of spring: verdant meadows, the feel of the sun's warmth on a winter-chilled brow and the best --to know that winter is past and the song of the bird is heard in our land...( I think that last is from the bible?)
Your dearest husband should, indeed, get those plates for you. Songbirds are a vanishing species!
your faithful fan,

12/03/2005 2:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout, Martha!

12/03/2005 2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Warbler, dear.
Oooops, the word 'imagine' should have been 'imagination' in that last post.
That holiday hints web page closes with a dot and then html ( e.g warbler.html) maybe that will get you on the page.
living for the holidays.

12/03/2005 2:10 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Well where should we start. A warbler is better known as a family of birds called the New World Wood Warblers. They are known for having yellow although some don't, like the blue warbler or the grey warbler or the ovenbird, but many have shocking International Yellow breasts. One is called the Yellow Rumped Warbler, which I am sure you are not.

Umm, I'd better not go there, breasts or rumps, but warblers have the best music in my opinion. There's one wintering down the street in the woods that goes "Yee, Yee" and I talk to it and sing along. A perfect B-flat or C, I would say, every time. The bird is obviously not impressed with my signing ability and throws berries at me! It drives the dogs nuts. 'Tis true, I cannot carry a song worth a flip.

Besides singing, warblers make the best mothers. They do! The only bird more devoted to the young is the red-wind blackbird, which is so ditzy it catches food for any old bird nest within a half mile, much to the consternation of the other birds, which try to run it off every chance. I'm glad you're not one of them, Warbler.

So here's a toast to the mighty Warbler, in all her glory. Let us tip a glass of fine wine and savor the moment. /s/

12/03/2005 4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All right, Martha, this has become a 'thing' now...when I copy the url into my address bar, it says [usual http etc] Is this what the address should be? I don't care if it's a blank page with a frickin' picture of Snoopy, I'm going there - and I'm takin' you with me.

12/03/2005 9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'southernangel', I meant. Lost an 'n' with my one-handed typing.

12/03/2005 9:17 PM  
Blogger Sam said...


you forgot the www part. Copy and paste works real good instead of all that typing, too - use the "Edit" button for that, goodness sakes. Umm, do you know Martha real good? That's some wild, man, wild!

12/03/2005 10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am copying and pasting, whaddya take me for, a newbie? That's why I'm havin' such a hard time, silly.

12/03/2005 10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Warbler, dear.
Don't fret you are so close.
after /ggertie/
you need to insert planner.html

I can see how this happened. The url takes up almost two lines in the post. Perhaps you only copied the first line, which ends with the slash after ggertie.

I'm afraid the page may seem a bit anticlimatic after all these difficulties. It's also more southern, than midwestern in flavor....
Hope that this helped.
your faithful fan who is living for the holidays.

12/03/2005 11:34 PM  
Blogger The Warbler said...

I came, I saw, I chortled!

12/03/2005 11:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

W is for your wonderful sense of humor
A is for amiability-you're darn friendly
R is for resilience-stay strong
B is for beautiful-whatever hair color
L is for the love you lavish on family
E is for excellence-we know you try
R is for the razzmatazz you bring

Go Warbler :)

12/04/2005 12:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Veni, Vidi,

12/04/2005 12:39 AM  

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