Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


My daughter wants me to go blonde again.

My natural color is a nice, rich brown (ish-reddish).

My natural color now is gray (started turning in high school, been tinting it ever since...who knows how much of it has turned)

I'm damn near close to just shaving my head and keeping a pack of Shicks nearby. Hey, if Sinead can do it...

I'm not doing red. Too much work and none of my clothes go.

D. likes the brown but thinks I "glow" as a blonde. M. likes the blonde, but then she is one. Baby probably likes the brown since it's all he's known.

All that's going on in the world, and I'm posting about my hair. *sigh* I really am vain.


Blogger Everett said...

Sheesh, at least you have some to play with!

11/30/2005 8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I think change is good, but you don't want to frighten the tot!

11/30/2005 8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think you're so vain

11/30/2005 11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whew! I must be gettin' old or something. It took me a minute to get the "Carly" thing.

There's some very clever peoples out dere.

11/30/2005 12:05 PM  

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