Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

Thursday, November 17, 2005

All By Myself

[Warning: This post contains extreme negativism. Do not read if using MAOIs, antihistimines, beer or have been placed on a suicide watch in the state pen]

Today is the day that happens more and more frequently. It's the kind of day where nothing has happened, nothing is happening and nothing is going to happen. It's the worst kind of day for someone like me. It's the day where I fight every urge to pack up the car and go. It's the day where I finally get the baby to sleep without being on me to take a quick shower for the first time in three days (gross!) and find I'm out of soap halfway through. It's the day when I feel like a single woman who's married, only I don't have the benefits of full-decision making and personal finances.

"This," I hiss through clenched, partially whitened teeth (cuz the baby woke up halfway through and the mouthpiece scared him badly), "is exactly why I said that if we weren't going to move to Narragansett then we should move to Minnesota." Not, as my husband tends to forget which 'm' state I come from, because it's my home. It isn't. It's because that's where my relatives are. Read: support system.

I am not as strong as I need to be. There are people - women with children - who are able to go through life and it's bumps and detours without a support system...but why do that if you don't have to? What's so wrong living somewhere with a lower cost of living, loved ones whose company I enjoy and a freakin' Taco Bell, for cripes sakes? Is it so terrible to want to see my loved ones on a regular basis? Are Nachos Bell Grande the anti-christ's breakfast? Does it make me a weaker person to say that I need a break sometimes, some help sometimes, someone to take care of me every great once in a while? I am so scared that this stress I can't seem to get control of will give me a stroke or heart attack...who will find me? What will happen to the baby? Who will take care of my children if I end up in the emergency room?

My relatives are good people. A little mid-western bible belt, sure. Yeah, they help make up the 36% that still approve of Bush, but despite that, they're honest to God, down to earth, somewhat mentally healthy, right with The Man, GOOD people. Why not raise my children with them? Why not let the goodness of my cousin's children work a little mojo magic on them? Why not let them grow up in music, laughter, admiration, support, the church and Auntie M's Peanuts collection? Why does wanting all this make me such a hideous person?

I love my aunt and uncle. My aunt has become "the family" to me. I admire her strength and modesty - not to mention her wicked sense of humor and moral superiority. I would like to spend time with my uncle, who looks so much like my mother (only a heckuva lot taller - with really gnarled toes), before nature takes him away from me. I want the close friendship with my cousin, whom I adore and follow like a puppy dog. She is so cool to me. And she needs me. She needs me to remind her how amazing she really is. She needs me to sit in her kitchen and drink coffee and bitch about my thighs as I help myself to another cinnamon bun.

I am the kind of person who needs, and appreciates, a support system. I am not cut out to deal with a toddler who doesn't sleep (and has lead issues plus a nasty cold), a teenager in major transition, a house that needs to be rennovated but will settle for painting and "de-leading", cats, mice, phone calls to attorneys, applications for this and that, car registration, the need to pee by myself every so often and a pressing need to have my eyes checked and my teeth cleaned without some kind of help.

It's not that I'm's just that I'm beyond my personal capabilities. I would like to let the baby sleep in the morning, instead of rousing him an hour before normal waking time. I'd like to let the baby take a full nap, instead of having to wake him up to go get Sissy. I'd like to tell my daughter 'yes, I'll pick you up from the dance at 9" instead of, "see if you can get a ride home with someone so I don't have to wake your brother up." I'd like to see a movie, or go out to dinner without a sippie cup and banana puffies in my bag. I'd like to do right by my children, including providing them with good examples. I want to actually enjoy holidays without doing it all by myself and spend Christmas with someone who knows that it's about more than presents. (It's about food, right?) And I would like to be somewhere when, if I cry next to somebody for 15 minutes, they actually notice.

That being said...there's a pair of blue eyes staring up at me and two small arms who have snaked around my neck so that chubby fingers can play with my hair. So I'm going to take some time away from my pity party to sing and tickle - maybe I'll even color the couch with large, non-toxic crayons.

I am grateful for what I have. I just wish I could share all of it. Not just the burdens...but that'd help.

Well, hell, they don't call us mules for nothin', right?


Blogger Everett said...

Hi you old Sweetie, I just read your latest post and just wish I was close enough to give you a hug! Being a half assed macho guy, you might think I don't really know how you feel, but I had a lot of seperations, courtesy of Uncle Sam, from my kids as they were growing up. When the two youngest were about three and four, I was stationed in D.C. and did the weekend commute every week. On the way I home on friday I was euphoric and on the way back down on Sunday, I usually cried all the way to NYC before the loneliness started to fade a little bit. So I do know a little bit about how it feels to be away from family and desperately wanting to be near them. I consider myself extremely lucky right now because three of my kids and five of my grand kids are within my daily grasp. I find myself even now starting to get lonesome/depressed if they don't get off the bus in front of the house and come in for the twice daily hugs and kisses!! Keep your spirits and chin up as best you can. Hopefully things will get eaiser to cope with soon. That little devil will grow up too fast and you will be wishing he was little again. Love ya kiddo, Everett

11/17/2005 8:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Everett, I KNOW you understand...and I know Verna understands even more!!! Lest I've been too negative, though, I also know how blessed I am to be able to watch my little cherub (he was a devil yesterday, angel today)grow - it's a very exciting and fulfilling thing.

And I consider myself hugged. Coming back to BI for a few days next week will certainly help, even if I only get to wave at y'all on my way to the in-laws from the boat.

P.S. I also wish to make it verrrrryyyy clear that my parents-in-law have been a very good support system on the island and when they're here - I don't want any misunderstandings. Grandparents make great babysitters.

11/17/2005 8:46 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Thursday was a strange day. As usual, Lori went to work so here I was stuck behind the computer at my home "office", which is more an orifice than an office. Bored to tears. Then the two dogs get in a farting contest. Stop that! Big sad eyes. [poooot]

So I figured, maybe these fellas needed a walk. Plus, I could use some air. So I hunted up the dog leashes which seemed to be AWOL and ... stepped in not one but TWO piles of ... it.

And that, my friend, was the highlight of the day! By the way, Everett, I never separated y'all so stop blaming me ... and have a great Friday :)

11/18/2005 10:06 AM  
Blogger The Warbler said...

Oh, I get it. "Uncle Sam". Clever.

11/18/2005 12:11 PM  
Blogger Everett said...

Yeah P, I had to read it twice and even then it took a while to sink in.

11/18/2005 4:18 PM  
Blogger Everett said...

Sam, you are right, It WAS one of those days. Russell left me his Lab to baby sit for the day as he, the dog, has just had his "oogies" removed and was wearing one of those plastic collars to keep him from scratching and likkin'. Anyway , for about an hour he was running around in circles and banging me and the kids with that thing. #4 child comes in the living room to talk to me just as frantic dog does the same trick right on the rug , and almost on my feet. I tell you it's a good thing his 'oogs' had been removed or he'd have been choking on them! Russell comes in and says, "why didn't you let him out? thats what he was trying to tell you? So like I told him, I don't speak "dog" and this was the end of "doggie sitting" for me!!TIFN

11/18/2005 4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, Everett, you know you love dogs! Black Labs especially.

11/18/2005 10:29 PM  

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