Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Easter Parade

It's not really Easter for me unless I play a church service. And since nobody around here seems to want my services (piano, wise acres, piano), I'm taking my fingers back to Block Island where Anna and the Rev. Terry have been kind enough to let me come play for Easter service. It's not always easy for a 'big' service to say "Sure, we'll let you come play even though it's been 8 months since you have and we'll only get to rehearse with the choir on Saturday afternoon (and most of you know that's enough for me)". It really is very nice of them. Yes, I'll be the only one from my family in church that Sunday.

Rumor has it, though, that I'll be at Soda on Friday for Open Mic Night. For those of you in mid-western climes, I'll be appearing sometime in the early summer. As soon as my cousin gets back to me about those dates. *hint hint*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In case you need back-up, I'm available on Friday night

4/06/2006 12:21 AM  

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