Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

Monday, February 06, 2006

The Sound of The Music Man of La Mancha

Once, I Had A Secret Love. He Called [Me] Sweetheart, but told me I could Call [Him] Al. It was The Greatest Love between A Man and A Woman but, in truth, it was Just My Imagination. How I used to Hang On his every word while thinking "You Don't Know Me. I'm Not Lisa, but You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling for her, anyway. After all, the purpose of a man is to love a woman and Here I Am." I thought about him Eight Days a Week until I couldn't Breathe.

But my Secret Love shall stay just that - a Secret of Love. And while Love Can Build a Bridge, it certainly can't gain me any Respect...

Nor can it Keep Us Together when I've Got a Crush On You, but you're Makin' Whoopee with Jesse's Girl.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You win

2/07/2006 11:20 AM  
Blogger The Warbler said...

I win! I win! What'd I win? A year's supply of rice-a-roni? A device from Ronco? The prize behind Door #3? Both showcases?

2/07/2006 11:24 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

Don't limit yourself to the materialistic, girl. And isn't winning good enough for now? Close your eyes - what do you really want?

- Genie in the bottle

2/07/2006 1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a hard knock life, but some enchanted evening you might meet a stranger, maybe somewhere down on Penny Lane. Someone who'll make you feel like a natural woman, living the vida loca and all hot! hot! hot! But then again, there's always tomorrow, the sunrise and sunset of another day. You look at all the lonely people, and say a little prayer that you'll never fall in love, again.
Then they send in the clowns and suddenly life is a cabaret, old chum so don't worry- be happy

2/07/2006 5:14 PM  
Blogger The Warbler said...

Brava/o! Nicely done.

And since when is rice-a-roni materialistic?

2/07/2006 8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And if you respond before midnight tonight... welllll, we'll just see what happens!

2/07/2006 9:18 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

It is etherial and ephemeral at the same time, dear. If food is love then rice-a-roni is _______ .

Tough one, eh?

2/07/2006 9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But we know who is truly the master of this art...THE WARBLER.
The rest of us can only aspire to some meager measure of this art.

2/07/2006 9:19 PM  
Blogger The Warbler said...

so, rice a roni is ezekial?

Lonely, you know how I hate to have my praises sung!

And Ron, ask my husband. I've never responded to anything before midnight.

There are days when I truly enjoy this blog thing...

2/07/2006 9:23 PM  

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