Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition

My legal spouse has just informed me that he will be moving to Maine sometime this coming summer. That will make it a full year that we moved here for him and he hasn't been here.

I don't think there is anything more to say.

Would you like that coffin pine or oak?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Might I interject that you will look upon these days as character building - I have found that the child-rearing times, although tres frustrating and inhibiting certainly contributed to making me the person I am today. It has taken a great deal of time, questions and at least one contemplation of the allure of the great beyond to realize that it is not the destination but the journey that fills my days and that is not necessary to find meaning and/or satisfaction in each day.
I also spent an 'interesting' winter in Maine quite some time ago and now I look back on that time as one of my greatest periods of growth and return to the area whenever I can mange it. (Even eventually made some wonderful friends who still stay in contact).
It distresses me to hear you so unsettled - try to make the most of the situation and learn not to depend on anyone but yourself.
That said, the Sweet Addies is the key - do not, under any circumstances, let that get away from you.


1/15/2006 1:02 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

I dunno, I went away to Colorado for two months to build a restaurant - and almost got fired. By Lori my wife. I sure learned my lesson good.

1/15/2006 1:29 PM  
Blogger The Warbler said...

Ah, I see...just for clarification, it wasn't MY coffin that I was referring to...

1/15/2006 9:49 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Roger on that, Warbler88. Just remember that once a day you have to smile, a big one, a real one. If ya can't smile once every day, some kind of boogies got ya. Even if ya have to make a stupid monkey face while you're brushing your teeth, ya gotta smile at least once a day. Somehow it works.

1/15/2006 10:59 PM  

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