Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

People Are Strange

Now, honestly, are you telling me that there are people clueless enough to think that it's really hunky-dory to leave a half-finished cup of coffee on the middle shelf of the crackers & cookies aisle? And are there really people so shallow as to think it's perfectly a-ok to leave their grocery cart in the parking space as opposed to putting it in the catch-all? Oh, I guess it's okay because "everybody else does it" and "they pay people to come around and collect them", right? But you know what? I also bet 'cha when it's pouring outside and there's two parking spots right up front that can't be used because other lazy people didn't want to walk the grocery carts back in the front door (which is roughly twelve steps away and they're wearing a frickin' raincoat!), those original people are the loudest to bitch. And no, not me. I so detest that crap that I'm beyond anal about putting the cart away, throwing away the receipt trash somebody else left in the cart in the trash can right by the door, etc. And as far as I know, it hasn't killed me.

Going to the grocery store gives me more road rage than driving in Boston.

Tonight's picture is a demo of my 15 mo. old's spatial abilities. Achieved utterly and completely on his own.


Blogger Sam said...

Hey it sounds like folks are starting to feel a tad better again? All over the world? Honey, January 23rd was the sheer pits of the year and it gets better and better between now and June. That's according to an article I saw on NY Times, some quoted psychologists, and Sammy Whammy here.

Sure, February seems cold but there's Valentines and all kinds of goodies coming up. Don't tell any manly men, but I like those chocolates with that brandy gooey stuff in the middle. Ohh, la-wee! I got some bounce in my step now.

Hey did ya get yer furnace inspected yet?

And Lori sez "what's all this 'honey' crap?" Jeez, teach me to put the computer next to the kitchen. Don't worry, *smiles*

1/25/2006 12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you should have named the kid "Mason"!!


I kill myself! (it saves other people the trouble.)

1/25/2006 12:05 PM  
Blogger The Warbler said...

Guess what the kid across the street's name is?

Hey, I don't mind taking the trouble to kill you.

Yes, sam, the furnace is fixed.

1/25/2006 12:08 PM  

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