Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Much ABlog About Nothing

Tonight I had homework. No, really, homework. Last night I had homework - but I forgot to do it and had to rush through it this morning before Bean turned it in for me. The night before that I had homework, too. What kind of school gives the parents homework for the first three nights? Sign this, fill out that, Check all boxes that apply on the Checklists for Assessing "How Students Are Smart". Oh, and by the way, Mrs. Glen, you didn't complete this assignment, please do so by tomorrow. (I swear I didn't realize there was stuff on the back, too)

Open House was tonight. Quite a bit different than the B.I. School's open house. First of all, Bath Middle School didn't have to throw a pot luck dinner to get everyone there. There was a terrific turnout althought I don't know what the official headcount was. The baby made me quite a few and dogs, I'm tellin' ya, great conversation starters. I even ran into the two people in town that I had actually somewhat met before: the lady who moved here from Wyoming and lives a few streets over and the Priest from the Episcopal Church next door (who's a nice enough guy with a sense of humor and all, but he's no Terry Matthews) No displays, no emergency room cleaning. Just teachers in their classrooms meeting parents and giving out more homework to the parents. Sheesh! It lasted exactly one hour and when 7:00 p.m. rolled around a pleasant, God like voice came over the loudspeaker and very nicely told us all to leave now, please, thank you very much. What? Like teacher's have lives? The kids that were there for open house seemed to be almost excited to be showing off their school and teachers. I even overheard two kids in the courtyard (yep, an honest to goodness courtyard with grass and a tree and everything) discussing what, exactly, they liked best about the physical plant. Which kinda reminded me of Block Island, what with the new school and everything. Except, I have to wonder...while the new building and facilities will greatly improve the day to day experience of the education, it's not changing some of the internal problems that the school has - and probably will continue to have. There are still firmly entrenched teachers there who are not exactly top notch, with complaint files thicker than my wrist but who have "their own houses". There are some fantastic teachers at BIS, but it's no real secret who the not so fantastic teachers are and why they're not so fantastic. Policy in some areas is a bit absurd and a little too much catering is done to teacher's summer employment schedules. (And at the Bath Middle School, teachers are required to show up at least half an hour before school starts - huh!) And I would really like to see something done for the non-athletic kids at BIS. But, then again, that's not my concern now, is it? Except, of course, for my nephew. Who I think will probably fit in well with the BIS. Not meant in an insulting manner. There are some kids who do well in that kind of environment and some who don't. But let's remember while we're bragging about the BI kids who are going on to college, etc., that a lot of that has to do with the kids themselves, and the parents behind them, than it does with the improved teaching curriculum. There are some kids who are just motivated, and there's been quite the influx of them at the school lately. And there are some parents now who don't have a family business to hand down and are really pushing that college degree.

Another unique thing I've integrated into my new life (for lack of a better word) here is the water. As my teenager so adequately expressed in a post, the water here tastes like...well, not good. Tastes extremely chlorinated. So we found this little place just barely over into Brunswick that sells gallons of water for a quarter. Spring water. Tested four times a year. Tell me people anywhere can get this kind of experience! I go to Shaw's. I buy a gallon jug of their water (cuz, folks, there ain't no real difference between Shaw's and Poland Springs except the price) and drink it. Then I take the now empty jugs (I keep three) and twice a week I head over the the water place where I actually get about a gallon and a half for a quarter. Takes me five minutes tops to fill them. So, fifty cents for three gallons of water. Then I run it through the Brita when I get home, just to be on the safer side, and everybody's happy. And here I thought my interesting experiences were all done...

Thank you for all those well-wishing emails I've received. I appreciate the suggestions (even the weirder ones) and the moral support more than I can express. And, yes, it did take me almost four full weeks just to spackle and sand the bathroom walls. But I have managed to paint the ceiling thus far. Maybe I'll get the bathroom walls by Hallowe'en, eh?

And for my family members, feel free to extend invitations for me at any and all times. No, really, don't hold back out of politeness.


Blogger blockislandblog said...

I'm glasd you brought this up.
It is unfortunate that for whatever reason, bad teachers can't, apparently, be fired. One of the teachers at the school has a legendary reputation as being a bad teacher, and insulting to his students and their parents.
I've been told that the school can't fire "tenured" teachers. Why is that???? If a teacher on the mainland insulted a kids' parents in front of the entire class, I believe he would be fired if he did it more than once. Disciplined at the very least. What kind of message does it send to our children if a teacher can behave rudely and not be very good at what they do, and still keep a job?

That said, I hear nothing but glowing praise for the majority of the teachers at the BI School. And you can't beat the teacher/student ratio.

It seems you are on your way to making friends, etc. I hope you meet good people.
Good luck!

9/09/2005 8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is my understanding, and I'm certainly not an expert, that once a teacher is "tenured" (after four years), then they have to incur a major infraction (drinking on the job, misconduct to a student, narcotics abuse - the major stuff) to be fired. Apparently that's what tenure is all about: job security when you don't always deserve it.

9/09/2005 10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm. Tenure can be a good thing, it's just like everything else in life- open to abuse.
There are someways in which tenure benefits a school system. It lets a teacher know that her/his commitment to a school is recognized and honored. If you're really serious about teaching, then you generally love your students and really commit to their education and development. It's nice for a good teacher -and a school system to know that neither party needs to wonder if a person's contract will be renewed for the forthcoming year. The teacher gets stability and the opportunity to commit to the future of a school. The school can rest in the confidence that they have a great person on board who most likely is not looking for positions in other schools. So stability is really at the heart of tenure.
I'm familiar with the the really rude teacher at the island school and have had family members exposed to insults and attitude. Why a discplinary hearing hasn't been held is a good question.

9/09/2005 10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The heading on your blog still has your location as Block Island. You might need to change that at some point

9/10/2005 9:07 PM  
Blogger blockislandblog said...

It's a good thing anonymous at 9:07 let you know about that. Otherwise you may have thought you were still living on BI.

Close one.

9/11/2005 9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, anonymous 9:07, how thoughtless of me. With everything going on in my life, I should have realized that the biggest priority was making sure that anybody who reads this blog does NOT - I repeat - DOES NOT mistake me for someone who actually lives on Block Island. Thanks for pointing out my transgression.

9/11/2005 12:30 PM  
Blogger The Warbler said...

Back to the teacher comments: it's not just that one anony male teacher, there's a female teacher up there that's been there a good long while, too, who has had many complaints filed against her that by the time that I got there, I was told by one former complaint filer to not bother, she'd just make things harder for my child.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't have a problem with tenure at all. I believe in the purpose of tenure. I support what tenure is supposed to be and do. I think qualified individuals who do their job well should be rewarded with job security (my dad was a union man through and through and I can't shake that). I do, however, believe that (and it's not just at the Block Island School, I'm aware) handing tenure out just because you've managed to stay in a job four years and then hiding behind that tenure and all the power it connotes isn't serving the purpose of tenure well. The school can be the height of pretty, but it's not going to make some teachers teach better. It's not going to stop certain teachers from insulting parents and other teachers and undermining authority in the presence of impressionable kids. I think that owning your own house and not doing anything egregiously wrong is a poor reason to offer tenure.

9/11/2005 12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm anonymous 9.07.
I wasn't pointing out a 'transgression' with the fyi....
realizing all that you do have do have going on in your life.
realizing that you seem to take pride in your blog.
just thought it was helpful to mention the oversight re: location.
Sorry if it seemd to hit a raw nerve, but I wasn't trying to make some deal about whether or not your living on Block Island. Was just trying to make a helpful suggestion so that your blog info was accurate.

9/11/2005 5:52 PM  

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