Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me


It's my birthday.

Woo. Hoo.

Here's my Birthday Wish List.

For my Birthday, I would like:

World Peace.
Britney Spears to give up recording. Please.
World Peace.
A stereo.
A living room.
A margarita. (although I did have a very lovely glass of merlot at Sharky's this evening.)
A big honkin' chocolate everything cake.
World Peace.
To be ordained at some point in my lifetime.
To star in The King and I.
World Peace.
To see my family.
To star in Gypsy.
World Peace.
The complete and utter anihilation of any person who ever harms a child in any way.
To play Aldonza before I'm too old (don't you dare ask!)
To lose 20 pounds (btw, I haven't had a soda in 4 days and 5 pounds just disappeared)
To see both my kids graduate with PhDs (but hopefully they will have scholarships)
World Peace.
To star in Hello Dolly (although I'm actually a little young for that, thank God)
To star in The Lion in Winter - in 15 more years.
Have I mentioned World Peace?

For my birthday, I would like the families of American Soldiers to be made whole again. I wish the families in Iraq and Afghanistan an end to their pain and anguish. I wish the brave to be rewarded and the wicked to be punished. I wish that drug addicts and alcoholics know God (or any other Higher Power that floats their boat, I'm not picky) and get right with the world so that they, too, can know the real happiness that comes with a hefty dose of sweat and reality and is far more rewarding. For my birthday, I would like the separation of Church and State to stay that way. I would also like moral people to make moral decisions based on everyone's equal rights, not everyone's right to live according to one person's vision, no matter how moral. I would like to see the complete evaporation of all hate-mongers, name-callers, bigots, racists, chauvanists (male and female), neo-nazis, skinheads, and any other person who finds acceptance and justification for hate.

For my birthday I would like to see the Block Island school make the music program a priority. A real one. Not just lip service. I would like to see the respect of everyone's civil rights even if it means they get to choose to be complete idiots and put themselves and their families at risk. I would like to embrace my Aunt and Uncle and Cousins and eat and drink and play Monopoly (although I always lose, so let's play Trivial Pursuit instead). For my birthday, I would like to take out old photos and happily reminisce about other times (the good, the bad and the 80's ugly) - unfortunately my old photos and kick ass custom framed art collection all ended up with my estranged and now deceased father so I don't have any old pictures - which will probably end up another misty night blog. So, for my birthday, I wish anybody with any old pictures of me at any time in my life (unless I'm naked with a lampshade on my head...unless my butt looks good in the pic) be forwarded to me. For my birthday, I would like Marc to say hi, Cyndi to get a recording contract in Nashville, Mel to loosen her stitches, Irish any job he so desires, my daughter to have the best camp experience ever, my son to sleep through the frickin' night and me to do the same.

God Bless You All...every one. No exceptions. (Except...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

¡Felíz cumpleaños!

7/19/2005 11:05 PM  
Blogger blockislandblog said...

I have one suggestion/upgrade for your wish list.
Britney Spears should give up recording AND public appearances, speaking or anything that involves a camera.
(And her little sister should be put in the witness protection program.)

Happy Birthday Warbler! You make me smile!

7/19/2005 11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that, dear BIB, is worth more than any big honkin' chocolate everything cake (but BARELY...)

Thank you all for the well wishes, both here and out and about (Yes, it's true, I have been sighted outside of my computer the last two days...who knew?)

7/20/2005 8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a shame I can't grant all of your wishes, but the one I can should be in your inbox.

If you ever do make it to Kansas City, count on getting chocolate everything (right after a trip to KC Masterpiece or Jack Stack.)

Kansas City misses you too, just so you know.


7/28/2005 12:33 PM  

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