Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

In a Pickle

A hefty grouping of cucumbers (and pickles) has mysteriously appeared in my refrigerator...interestingly enough, it's rumored that it was delivered by a jolly old man with a white beard. Anyway...

I make a mean cucumber, sprout (I prefer radish) and mushroom sandwich [a little sour cream and szechuan sauce spread on lightly toasted Tuscan or Peasant bread *insert sounds of lips smacking*] and my friend in CT served a fabulous cucumber salad the other night (cucumber, tomato, fresh mozarella, onion, olive...not sure what he dressed it with but it was YUM-O!) [Editor's Note: In fact, this friend in CT served an entire kick ass meal that would have stood up to any bbq in Kansas City, and I ain't just talkin' trash here. I haven't had ribs like that in...well, 13 years to be exact. And then, I think this Connecticut boy's ribs might have actually been just a tad bit better. This guy grew up on BI, for goodness' sake! How the heck did he learn to q like that?].

However...those are really the only two things I know to do with cucumbers (if any of you say one disgusting thing, I'm booting you off - be warned!) - so if y'all know of any good things to make with cucumbers, lemme know! Preferrably this week.

God, I love food. I can't help it. As my friend, D, knows and completely understands, food is as much fun (sometimes more) to talk about as it is to eat. I love to anticipate. I love to cook - as long as it's not the same ol', same ol', day after day after day. Okay, I love to cook occasionally. But I especially love to talk food. I want to be able to cook anything and everything. I'd settle for learning to cook fish well. We all need a goal. I'm like D; don't tell me you had a nice pasta for dinner at Sharky's last night. Tell me that you had a pasta dish with broiled scallops and shrimp, served with black olives, capers, onions, tomatoes and parmesan tossed with spaghetti and served in what seemed to be a light broth with a garnish of parsley. That's what I want to hear. And I don't care that you should have had a pinot grigio with the seafood, just tell me that the merlot still complimented the taste. And how was the Key Lime pie? How did it look? How was the presentation? How did it taste? Was it as good as the one at Harbor Grill?

I think I'm going to go make a cucumber, sprout and mushroom sandwich now...*drool*

P.S. Any word from sam yet? I watched all the people from So. Padre on the news last night, looking for anyone who might be our dear blogging friend.


Blogger Sam said...

I'm here - cool as a cucumber, too. The lights went off twice but we were ready ... can't wait to take off all the 1/2-inch plywood on the windows (it's a bat cave in here!). No damage on this street that I could see. No big deal - mainly a media thingy.

As to cucumbers, I used to grow them and liked to pick them young but one time I discovered a few that were ... now don't get upset ... pretty darn manly looking. I hate to throw away my veggies, so I took 'em inside and pondered awhile. I cut the skins and ends off and they didn't look too tough or seedy, so I cut 'em up and lightly sauted them in a pan with some butter and parsley and whatever caught my fancy.

Not bad. Hot and cool mixed together. Pretty soon it was a hit! Jalapenos, cucumbers, radishes, and mint. It's sorta like BBQ peaches - who would have thunk it?

7/20/2005 1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm. Fresh garden cucumbers. I relish the thought!

7/25/2005 12:54 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

I was wondering if my manly cucumber story was a dud, but folks do all kinds of things with cucumbers like make cold soup and hot chinese salad. Pickling is just brining them in vinegar - my favorite is pickled okra but that's a southern thing. Cuke ratatouie or cucumber chutney, anyone?

7/25/2005 4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not easy being green.
Everyone's always looking for recipes for something to do with all us green things.

7/25/2005 8:23 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Are you a bullfrog? I heard Kermit was based on the green tree frog, which is totally inedible. Little sucker about 3 inches max. No, the bullfrogs we want are about 8-10 inches long. Fagettaboutit, dude.

7/26/2005 11:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that my little Kermie is safe from showing up on anyone's dinner plate in the near future! Moi. I just love cucumbers steeped in some nice balsamic vinegar with a touch of olive oil.

7/27/2005 9:05 AM  
Blogger blockislandblog said...

When is the big move to Maine? It must be coming up.

7/28/2005 9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alas, the cukes were never mine. They were just being preserved in a heat wave.

Which really sucks.

I love cucumbers.

A lot.

7/29/2005 2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alas poor Cucumber-
I knew it well Warbler;
a vegetable of infinite jest
of most excellent fancy.

8/05/2005 1:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Da Doo Ron Ron Ron
Da Doo Ron Ron

8/05/2005 1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


To Peel or Not To Peel
That is the Question
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind
to suffer the grates and succotash
of outrageous fondue...

then again...

Poor keycold 'cumber of of a noble cuke
pale shavings of the house of cucumber

8/05/2005 1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ask to be or not to be.
That is the question I ask of me.

8/05/2005 8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I do not like them in my house.
I do not like them with my spouse.
I do not like them next to nukes.
I do not like green eggs and cukes.

8/05/2005 9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok you win.

8/05/2005 10:34 PM  

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