Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Cities of Dust

Someday I'm going to go back to singing barbershop and I'm going to be in a quartet - not just any quartet, but one that gets to compete internationally. Now it's a sad state of the perfectly wonderful Sweet Addies organization that just about every registered quartet must have an exclamation point after their name or have that one word 'razzle dazzle' kind of moniker: e.g. "Spotlight!", "Jukebox", "Razzcals", "Shimmer!", "Celebrate!" get the gist. I've decided the organization needs a little shakeup in terms of quartet 'image'. I'm thinking my quartet is going to be an Alternative to Alternative listening. We're going to have a name that only the in people from the 80s could get: something along the line of "The Disease", "The Altercation", "A Pod of Whales", "The Rowling Stoneds", "Depressed a la Mode", and my personal favorite, "Sushi and the Bamboo Sheaths."

Nah, we don't need mohawks, we've got helmet hair. And who needs camo pants? Those are so yesterday. What we need is more sequins. And fringe. And rhinestones. With a name like "Scantily Half Clad Women" we could walk out in sweats and I'd still consider it a success.

I can just see my first place crown right now...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And then there's the musical component also...

3/27/2008 1:48 PM  
Blogger Everett said...

Ooh, ooh, ooh, Put up a picture when you get that outfit put together!!

3/27/2008 5:29 PM  
Blogger The Warbler said...

Oh yeah...the music...yeah...(Ev, I can't wait for the photo op, either!)

3/27/2008 11:09 PM  

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