Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

Friday, May 18, 2007

Fun, Fun, Fun

It started, as all these things tend to do, with a small comment. Something about how incredibly disappointed I was that Melinda Doolittle was voted off American Idol. It started a ridiculously silly discussion at work (and when one is a daycare teacher, one must keep one's sanity any way possible) that illustrated to me how American Idol and like-minded contests are more about popularity than talent. It also illustrated to me how shallow most of the women I work with are. But I digress.

I made some sort of mention that I needed a black armband because I was in mourning for Melinda. Next thing I know, I and my one other Melinda supporter are sporting homemade broken hearts on our chest that actually say "I'm in mourning for Melinda." You know things are bound to springboard from there.

Suddenly, there were a few folks sporting "Yea, Melinda is gone" on their shirts. Another sign sprang up on the refrigerator door (kitchen access is restricted to teachers) stating: Paula eat our dust. Jordin and Blake." Next thing I know, I've posted a sign on our door that says "Only those with good taste in music may enter." The other instigator and full-out prankster, my boss The Director of the center, started slipping notes under our door. Maybe even left a few more 'messages' for me to find. After lunch I posted a picture of Melinda with the note "Have you seen me...cuz I've been robbed." on our classroom door. Parents were giggling as they entered (something they might have needed even more than I). I snuck a picture on the Director's chair. After she left for the evening, the Assistant Director and I plastered her office with pictures of Melinda. This morning I left a sign at her parking spot: Reserved Parking for Melinda.

It wasn't much later that my car was plastered (because when that much masking tape is used, it can officially be called plaster. I asked my husband, he said yes.) with signs claiming my undying support for Blake and Jordin. The parking sign now in my own spot with the words (Idol Loser) underneath.

It has definitely been an excruciatingly shitty week at work. I don't know if I would have made it without some kind of lunacy. This is one of the reasons I actually like where I'm working right now. Hell, if it paid decently, offered benefits and shorter hours, why it would be perfect!

Now I've come home to tell y'all about the past two day's silliness. And my Director says I have too much time on my hands! Puh-lease.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo dog, you da bomb!

You brought it and left it on the page!

I was really feelin' it!

5/20/2007 9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hold on, lemme get my Randy To English Dictionary...

5/21/2007 6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, you look great today.

I'm so happy to see how you've grown as a writer.

No matter what happens today, you're going to have a wonderful career.

That's so weird! We have the same name!


5/22/2007 8:40 AM  

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