Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

Saturday, April 21, 2007

All I Have To Do Is Dream

Pee, pee, pee
Pee, pee, pee
Pee, pee, pee
Pee, pee, pee
Whenever I have to
All I seem to do is pee.

When I do want - I can go
When I don't want - I still go
Whenever I have to
All I seem to do is pee, pee, pee, pee.

Rushing waterfalls, raindrops as they fall
faucets be they hot or cold
Where the water is - gee WHIZ -
I guess I'm now getting old.

I need to pee all the time
Six glasses a day - go one more time
Whenever I have to
All I seem to do is pee, pee, pee, pee.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Urine trouble now - just remember"it's mind over bladder..."

4/22/2007 2:35 PM  

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