Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Stormy Weather

I have certainly been doing it all wrong. Here I am, racking my brain on a way to get back to school and get myself a degree that I can actually use (you know, some kind of career that comes with benies) when all this time I could have applied to be the Director of FEMA. Apparently any ol' schmo gets hired without qualifications all the time!

And then I can make sure to ignore coming disasters by emailing friends and colleagues about my wardrobe, dog sitters, and ordering the #2 at Sonic - complete with tater tots and a cherry limeade...which is quite tasty, come to think of it, so I'm not sure I can throw fault at that one.

Hey, I'd like to be livin' large, too! Where's my outlandish government job, benies, retirement and a rolled over 401k? What's that? What corruption boat? When did it leave? Can I catch the next one? It seems to be the growing trend in the new American can I catch me a piece of the action?

Guess I'll just email "Brownie" for some suggestions...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dark force, beware.
Tempting is it not?
True it is young warbler, that your heart soft be.
The cries for help-ignore- you could not.
FEMA for you a heavy burden would be.
At the country club you would not be
but with the victims, you would stand--

11/03/2005 10:57 PM  
Blogger The Warbler said...

geez, yoda, judge me by my heart size, do you?

11/03/2005 11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, compassion the heroic virtue truly is
it can find no place to rest in the small of heart, no room to blossom, no room for compassion to thrive.
IN your heart it is found. May you find it in others.

11/03/2005 11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm...folks? (and others), thank you for those really kind words. I'm actually gettin' a little misty over here (but I'm covering it over with blatant song cues, so everything will be all right).

11/04/2005 12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a different note.
There's probably a deeper reason the former FEMA guy was called 'brownie'. And I'm not sure that you would ever want your nose to be the same color. So, be glad that you're not a political crony, no matter how good the pay is.

11/04/2005 12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if you've checked into any colleges or universities that have a distance learning program included in their curriculum offerings. It might help you to knock off some credits at home and then when your little lamb can head off to school you might be able to enroll in a regular degree program and get your diploma. I wouldn't recommend the schools that exist solely as distance degree colleges, etc. Some of them lack certification and other colleges, universities or even businesses might be leery of these courses or degrees. One of the state U's should have an accredited distance learning program. IT might help you out. Financial aid packags might also be available.

Sheep can only get along on good looks for a limited time. And if Serta needs a new mascot- we're history- so higher education is beckoning!

11/04/2005 12:52 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Yeah, being a public servant is SO demeaning, too, brown noses aside, and not is it good for your health (the stress is horrible). What you want is to be a private consultant and make like 50-300 bucks an hour for doing what you enjoy, and work when you want to work. How do you do it? Most of it is luck. Schooling had little to do with it, although a sheepskin of some sort helps (sorry to the sheep people out there!).

So how do ou get lucky? Well, I went to loads of conferences and meetings and folks started to notice me. Eventually one hired me on the spot. "Let me go ask my wife and I'll get back to you." I called, we talked, I accepted, and it only took like ten minutes. Since that day I've been a contractor (mostly phone & computer), moved to one of my favorite islands ... and am taking Friday off, baby!

Gotta get out there and mingle. Try volunteering, interning, and so forth, for starters.

11/04/2005 1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Sam, networking and mingling are major fortes of mine. Went with the old degree and the old profession - NO, NOT THE OLDEST PROFESSION!!!! I am lacking on childcare, mostly, and was hoping to spend the next three years finishing a bachelors BEFORE my little lamb goes to school. But, hey, as they say...if you wanna make God laugh, tell him your plans.

11/04/2005 8:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're looking to complete a Bachelor's degree know that some colleges and Univeristies have degree completion programs, some of are connected to distance learning programs. I know that RI has some colleges where you can finish off a bachelor's degree that you may have started years ago at another school. I'd imagine that Maine may have similar programs. There used to be a catalog of distance learning/degree completion programs throughout the US.... just remember stay with an accredited school, so you efforts and cash are not wasted.

11/04/2005 9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who said you can't have your cake and eat it too??
You could be the next overpaid FEMA director! Just sign up for the certificate program in Emergency Management and Continuity Organizing an online program offering at Boston U.
At least you'll have respectable credentials!

11/04/2005 10:01 PM  

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