Get Off My Back
All right already. I updated the dratted, quality-forsaken web page. Go see for yourselves - and get off my back about it! (she said in the kindest possible way)
Have a nice day.
P.S. Block Islanders have been saying it for years, but now that it's on the Today show it's validated. Studies show that Americans are getting ruder. Duh.
You'll notice that those of us who are living in glass houses have been quite relo throw stonesuctant t
relo-throwstones-uctant t? You been hitting the hooch again, irish?
Besides, I'm the soul of etiquette *sniff*.
oops! my damn work laptop freaks out on me when my hand touches the mousepad.
You know what I meant!
Yes, but there'd be no fun in it for me if I cut you slack, now would there?
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